Remove hidden admin - clean code F12

Step 1: use this link: (xxxx = your_id_ad_account)

Step 2: Press F12 => console

Step 3: Copy and paste

window.delayne = 5; var regexne = /id:(\d+),name:null/g; window.hthang = document.body.innerHTML.match(regexne); window.list_uid => /id:(\d+),name:null/.exec(a)[1]); console.log("Có " + window.list_uid.length + " admin ẩn."); function xoa_adminan() { if(window.list_uid.length >0){ var idan = window.list_uid.splice(0,1)[0]; var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.withCredentials = true; xhr.addEventListener("readystatechange", function () { if (this.readyState === this.DONE) { if(this.responseText.indexOf("true")>=0){ console.log("Xóa thành công: " +idan + " ẩn khỏi TKQC."); } setTimeout(xoa_adminan,window.delayne * 1000); } });"GET", ""+require("BusinessUnifiedNavigationContext").adAccountID+"/users?uid="+idan+"&access_token="+require("AdsCMConnectConfig").access_token+"&format=json&method=delete"); xhr.send(); } else { console.log("Xoa_Done"); } } xoa_adminan();


Be safe